The Treasure Island Resort fee covers a range of services and amenities including wireless internet access throughout the property, local telephone calls, use of the fitness center, access to business center services, complimentary shuttle service around Las Vegas as well as discounts on spa treatments shows restaurants and other activities. As such, you will not need to pay any additional taxes on top of your room rate when booking your stay at Treasure Island. The resort fee also includes taxes associated with the hotel stay. Additionally, guests are also entitled to complimentary shuttle service to various locations around Las Vegas as well as discounts on spa treatments, shows, restaurants, and other activities. These include access to wireless internet throughout the property, local telephone calls, use of the fitness center, access to business center services, and a daily newspaper. The resort fee at Treasure Island covers a variety of services and amenities. What Does the Resort Fee Cover at Treasure Island? This fee is charged to all guests who stay at the resort and covers a range of services and amenities.
One of the main features of the hotel is the resort fee. The resort is well known for its beautiful views of the Las Vegas Strip, its world-class amenities, and its high-end services. Treasure Island Resort and Casino is a luxurious hotel and casino located in Las Vegas, Nevada.